Jen Psaki: Biden Wants to Use Pandemic to ‘Make Fundamental Change in Our Economy’

by Debra Heine


White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki proudly declared on Tuesday that Joe Biden is using the pandemic to inflict “fundamental change” on the American economy.

When asked during the White House press briefing whether some programs in Biden’s $4.5 trillion budget proposal should get cut, Psaki rejected the notion, asserting that the pandemic was the perfect opportunity for Democrats to exploit the pandemic.

“The president wants to make fundamental change in our economy and he feels coming out of the pandemic is exactly the time to do that,” Psaki told reporters.

“If we don’t do it now, if we don’t address the cost of childcare… if we don’t address the climate crisis, if we don’t ensure that universal pre-K is a reality now, we’re not going to have the same opportunity to do it for some time,” she added.

It did not go unnoticed that the White House is focusing on phony, non-pressing issues like “climate change” and “universal pre-K,” rather than the tsunami of disasters Biden has caused since assuming office.

“It’s notable that Psaki highlighted the ‘climate crisis’ and not, say, the border crisis, inflation crisis, supply chain crisis, fuel shortage crisis, or any of the other crises Biden has so far created,” Townhall pointed out.

What Psaki’s answer also reveals, though, is urgency from the White House for Democratic leaders in Congress to deliver on the president’s legislative agenda sooner, rather than later, as congressional Democrats’ fortunes take a bleak turn ahead of the 2022 midterms just more than one year away.

Former Obama adviser Rahm Emanuel first articulated the Democrat maxim “never let a crisis go to waste” during the 2008 financial crisis.

“Rule one: Never allow a crisis to go to waste,” Emanuel said during an interview after the 2008 election. “They are opportunities to do big things.”

He reprised the quote in March of 2020 at the start of the pandemic.  “Never allow a crisis to go to waste,” Emanuel said on ABC’s “This Week.”  The former Chicago mayor used the phrase as Democrats were trying to push forward unrelated polices into the $2 trillion stimulus bill that was being negotiated in the Senate.

“Start planning for the future. This has to be the last pandemic that creates an economic depression. We’re going to have more pandemics, but this has to be the last economic depression,” he said.

Now, a year after promising to end the pandemic, Biden is using the ongoing crisis to inflict a grotesquely bloated budget on the American people.

During the same press briefing, claimed that the vaccine mandates—that are causing staff shortages in multiple industries—are “good for the economy.” She went on to ridicule allegations that the “little hubbub” over the weekend at Southwest Airlines was about the regime’s draconian vaccine mandates.

“I know there was a little hubbub…about Southwest airlines. We now know that some of those claims were absolutely false and actually the issues were completely unrelated to vaccine mandates.”

According to conservative commentator Dan Bongino, he’s heard from multiple Southwest insiders now who have corroborated American Greatness’ reporting on the massive service disruptions over the weekend.

Bongino said that he’s heard from “a lot of the pilots,” who generally enjoy working for Southwest, but “felt betrayed by the vaccine mandate.”

“They had some sick time they had to take, some of them felt like they were stressed out,” Bongino explained. He said they told him it was not an illegal job action, and they really shouldn’t fly when they are stressed out.

A Southwest pilot called in to the Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show on Tuesday, concurring that what happened over the weekend was definitely “pushback.”

“There was no conspiratorial job action that has been discussed, initiated, voted on—nothing like that whatsoever,” he explained. “What you’re seeing is kind of a perfect confluence of things coming together for a perfect storm.”

The pilot said that the airline did “suffer a malady” last week with the air traffic control issues, but the vaccine mandate was also playing a huge role.

“There are a considerable amount of pilots who are not taking this vaccine. Many of them are willing to give their jobs away if they have to,” he told the hosts. “Especially the more senior captains.”

“What’s happening here is our sick time, and all the benefits —a lot of stuff gets left on the table when you retire if you don’t use it,” the insider said, adding that pilots were using a ‘just in case’ mindset’ to start using up those hours.

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Debra Heine is a reporter at American Greatness.
Photo “Jen Psaki” by The White House.








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3 Thoughts to “Jen Psaki: Biden Wants to Use Pandemic to ‘Make Fundamental Change in Our Economy’”

  1. Brenda Cooper

    Yes very unfit for any office and the Dems know what to do. They only care about them. So sick of all of this stuff. Get him out of there before we get taken over by China.

  2. Ms Independent

    Peppermint Patti needs to go away..

  3. Dr Ken

    Has there been anything that the Biden administration has touched and has not “screwed up”? Afghanistan evacuation was an absolute embarrassment with world leaders condemning the United States. Immigration has blown up, Biden assigned Kamala Harris to the task and in 10 months she has not even made it to the border. Illegal immigrants are streaming over the border. The resettlement camps and various military posts in the US has seen an spike in local crime rates including violent crimes. More people have died of COVID under Biden in one year than during the time President Trump was in office. Police morale has plummeted, turn over is high. Biden opposed the Exon Pipe line so today we are once again dependent on foreign oil. Gasoline prices have skyrocketed. The price of food has risen dramatically and will go up much more, pork prices jumped 19% in a week. Seafood and beef have taken huge jumps in price to the consumer. The economy if failing. Biden’s throwing more money in the economy will also trigger a recession. This guy is unfit for the Presidency.,
